
I recently came across an interesting website called Stop The Cheats. The aim of the website is to remove the diving and blatant cheating by players that was so apparent in the recent World Cup in Germany. The site is described as follows:-

‘This site has been created for all those football loving fans, who have just about had enough of the route the beautiful game is taking. It seems skills and tactics, are becoming secondary to the skill of diving and cheating.

The aim of this site, is to attempt to make the governing bodies, address the issue, before the game suffers further. With your help we aim to inform FIFA and UEFA that the everyday football supporter has had enough of the cheats spoiling the game. We want them to take action against those players who attempt to cheat by diving or ‘play acting` in order to gain an advantage. We want them to do this by using video evidence after the game in order ban players for the offense.

It has become clear in this present World Cup, that many players are still diving, and rolling around like they`ve been shot, only to get up and run off when they ‘win` a free-kick. If a player knew, that even if he manages to con the referee on the pitch, he can and will still be punished after the game if he is clearly to be found cheating. This we believe will act as a deterrent, and will once and for all remove this cancer that has crept into our game.’

By signing the petition which can be found on the site we can help to make a difference and improve the game.

So everyone please lend your support to this campaign and help to make a difference.

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